Aug. 23, 2023

The Truth Behind the Russo-Ukraine War

The Truth Behind the Russo-Ukraine War

Hear the other side of the story regarding the war in Ukraine, which you unfortunately are not hearing in the mainstream media, or even on your favorite conservative news channel!

In this interview our guest, Mr. Jim Duree, names names you all know very well, from our own U.S. government, who were in on the coup d etat in Ukraine back in 2014, and what led up to present day Russo-Ukraine war, and why they want this war and continue to manipulate our populations to support it.

Mr. Duree will also go into the solutions to this and who we must support to end to this war, prevent WW III and return our nation back to the sovereignty we worked so hard for in our American revolution.

Hear the other side of the story regarding the war in Ukraine, which you unfortunately are not hearing in the mainstream media, or even on your favorite conservative news channel!

In this interview our guest, Mr. Jim Duree, names names you all know very well, from our own U.S. government, who were in on the coup d etat in Ukraine back in 2014, and what led up to present day Russo-Ukraine war, and why they want this war and continue to manipulate our populations to support it.

Mr. Duree will also go into the solutions to this and who we must support to end to this war, prevent WW III and return our nation back to the sovereignty we worked so hard for in our American revolution.