Your Host Scott Tregurtha

Scott Tregurtha has been a business consultant since the early ‘90s, but before that he was involved in politics since his separation from the United States Air Force, at the end of his 4 year tour in 1977.  What got him interested in politics was during his tour of duty in Thailand, during Viet Nam, he became aware that something was definitely wrong.

As a teenager in the early ‘70s he saw it announced in the mainstream media (referred to back then as “The News”) along with the rest of the country that the Viet Nam War was over.  News reports showed video clips of bells ringing, the whole 9 yards.

Soon after that Scott joined the U.S. Air Force in May of ’73 and within months was deployed to Thailand where the U.S. was still bombing Cambodia and there was still ground fighting taking place at the border of Thailand and Cambodia.  At that point he knew something was wrong!  I.e., “How could what’s going on here in Southeast Asia be 180 degrees from what they’re reporting in the U.S.?”

From that point on, at the age of 18, he became very wary of the government and the media.  Besides performing his daily duties as a jet engine mechanic on A-7D Corsair attack planes he spent his time taking college courses at the base education center and reading books on what the ignorant would call “conspiracy theories”, in order to find out who’s behind all the deceptive media and governmental practices. 

Upon separation from the Air Force he came in contact with, and started working with, the U.S. Labor Party, a group founded and run by Lyndon LaRouche, who eventually became an advisor to President Ronald Reagan and wrote the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) which drastically reduced the threat of nuclear war until it was ended in 1993 by the corrupted Clinton Administration.

As Veterans Coordinator at Brookdale Community College, he became president of the “New Jersey Association of Veterans Programs Administrators” and an advocate for veterans issues, campaigning for veteran’s rights and political candidates who would support veterans issues, such as the Agent Orange Commission, which came into being by the ‘80s.

In the early ‘90s he became a business consultant, working for business management firms, mostly helping dentists and veterinarians, and eventually entrepreneurs of every kind, which he still does today through his own company, More in the Door.

However, when COVID broke out in 2020, and the shutdowns and mask mandates began, Scott knew something was wrong, other than what the media was telling us, due to his past experience in Southeast Asia, political involvement and knowledge of so called “conspiracy theories”, and started studying the issue from every source he could find, i.e. LaRouchePAC, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone and a slew of others.

Then came the George Floyd riots (instigated by the oligarchs), the “vaccine” (also instigated by the oligarchs) the election fraud (also instigated by the oligarchs) at which point he became a supporter of Mike Lindell’s Legal Offense Fund and a founding member of Roger Stone’s “The Stone Zone”.

And that brings us to today when Scott decided to start his own podcast.  In his own words,

“I got fed up with all that’s going on, sitting on the sidelines learning about it, watching others DO something about it, and me just giving a few bucks here and there and an occasional call to my worthless congresswoman. 

“Therefore, I decided to take time out of my business and start my own podcast, so I can get more people educated, and them and myself into action. 

 “I love you America!”