Feb. 28, 2025

MAGA Mindy For Mayor!!!

MAGA Mindy For Mayor!!!

Today we welcome back Mindy Pechenuk who is now running for mayor of Oakland, CA. I realize my audience is nationwide, but Mindy is a perfect example of what we all should be electing in ALL our cities across this great nation of ours! Mindy is...

Today we welcome back Mindy Pechenuk who is now running for mayor of Oakland, CA. I realize my audience is nationwide, but Mindy is a perfect example of what we all should be electing in ALL our cities across this great nation of ours!

Mindy is totally involved in the MAGA movement and wants to make Oakland great again, in complete alignment with Trump’s America First plan, so watch, listen, learn by her example and run or vote accordingly!

You can learn more about Mindy’s qualifications at www.electmindy.com.
Also, her info is on my website at www.takecontrolofyourliberty.com.
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